Divine Purpose

"Rede is my God-given purpose and mission to work with women of all ages to provide them with wisdom. My experience is not just my testimony, but the weapon God has given me to empower other women. It is an empowerment that is taught through an intimate relationship with God, fellowship with other faith-filled individuals, and the freedom of walking out your purpose."

- Courtney Harris-Brown, Founder

Having to trust in God’s path and not my own was a belief that I faced at an early age. When I was eleven years old, my mother was killed in a car accident, and my life changed instantly. Confused and in disbelief, I began to force myself to believe that me losing my mother at this time had to be in God’s plan. To be honest, deep down inside, I did not think this.

Nevertheless, I used this mindset to project me forward through my teenage and young adult years by just sliding through life, trying to make the best of it. I graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in Child Development and Family relations. My journey in life seems to be going well; I was married and had two beautiful children. Attending church faithfully, became a deaconess, and led numerous ministries; I was heading to heaven with a VIP pass. I just knew that I was the “holier than thou” Christian because I checked off all the boxes.

One day, I woke up and realized I was a divorcee, full-time grad student, full-time assistant principal all while raising two kids. What in the world happened? What had I gotten myself into? These were just a few of the questions that went through my mind. I just knew that I was doing everything right. Well, at least I thought I was.

Here I was again in a place that reverted me back to my youth. Forcing myself to believe that this was God’s plan for my life, and I could not depend on my own understanding, it was hard to believe. At this time, God spoke into my spirit to cut myself off. I gave up social media and limited my conversation with people for about a year and a half. Also, during this time, God was removing people from my life.

Then, I began to desire and build a truly intimate relationship with God. He placed an amazing woman of God in my life who taught me how to use my God-given gifts to make it each day (I was a mess.) I had begun to destroy my old way of thinking. Each day was a challenge just to wake up and tackle life. One day, I was in my war room journaling, and God began to speak into my spirit. He told me everything I have taken you through, and you are to use it to help other women.

I grabbed a piece of paper, and I began the birthing process of REDE.  As God was healing me, He was also preparing me as I graduated with my Masters of School Administration. I enrolled in leadership classes at my church to provide me with a stronger biblical foundation to guide my life and support others. God then prepared the way for me to start a book study working with women locally and out of state.

It is my God-given purpose and mission to work with women of all ages to provide them with wisdom. My experience is not just my testimony, but the weapon God has given me to empower other women. It is an empowerment that comes through an intimate relationship with God, fellowship with other faith-filled individuals and the freedom of walking out their purpose. 

I am Courtney R Harris-Brown, REDE Founder

REDE Women's Ministry mission is focused on these four tenants.


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